CCT offers Dental Coverage through Ameritas. 

How do I find an Ameritas Network Dental Provider?

Visit and select “Find a health Provider” at the top of the page. You can either search online or call Ameritas Toll Free at 800.487.5553 and they will assist you. 

Where can I get another Dental ID card?

You can register at and request a new card or print a paper copy, you can visit your Benefits department at your employer or you can can contact the CCT Administrator at 928.391.2296. 

What is the limit of coverage per plan year?

The CCT Dental Plan will cover up to $2,000 in-network or $1,500 non-network approved services per plan year per covered member. 

Does the CCT Dental Plan cover Orthodontics?

Orthodontic benefits are provided for active orthodontic treatment for children who are banded by age seventeen (17). Benefits are subject to deductible and coinsurance up to a lifetime maximum of $2,500. There is no coverage for treatment whcih commenced before the date the Plan Participant became eligible for benfits. 

Have questions about your coverage, finding an in-network provider or claims?

Call Ameritas 800.659.2223.